
Showing posts from 2021

The Final Episode!

Hello for the last time!           Time flies! This is my last post about the Educational Technologies class. First of all, I am so glad to take this course. I have learned many things and improved my skills thanks to this class.             Before this class, I have known a little about 21st-century learning. Now, I can say I have learned more than I have already known. For instance, considering technology integration in ELT, I thought the more teacher uses technology, the better the classes. In fact, I learned what is important is the quality, not the quantity. The teacher has to use technology when necessary, and the students have to be the core and discover themselves.          Throughout the semester, I have learned about, first of all, how to create a blog page! Then, creating a word cloud, a podcast, a wiki page (also how to edit), a wall on the Padlet, an online poster, an infographic, and finally a digital story. I have also learned about lots of useful tools such as Audacity,

The Digital Storytelling of a 21st Century Fairytale

 Hello again! The topic of this week is  DIGITAL STORYTELLING !          Our task was to create a professional-like digital story. First of all, I want to thank  İlayda  for being my partner and for all her efforts.          Firstly, we had to decide on our topic. We ended up changing the settings of the beautiful fairytale "Cinderella" and creating its 21st-century version with Covid-19 adaptation. Then, we wrote a script together.          The next step was creating the scenes. We first try Pixton but its greatest features required us to pay, so we searched for alternative tools.  Then, we found  Storyboardthat . It has lots of free characters, scenes, and options; even a free trial for more advanced options. The only disadvantage of that website is the characters' arms and legs are like stick figures. But it was not a problem considering the other great benefits contrasting the others.          Later, we recorded our voices. Also, we searched for free and suitable so


 Hello again! The topic for this week is infographıcs !           Infographics are basically visual graphics including some information, as you can see from their name.  source         My task was creating an infographic about online higher education during the pandemic in Turkey. I had to add some information using graphics, percentages, and visuals. I also wrote some tips about how to look beyond all of the cons or how to survive.         I used one of my new favorite websites Canva  again. It helps a lot and contains lots of options and templates. I like creating an infographic a lot. It looks so nice and contains lots of information. Online Education - Dilara          Infographics probably will help language learners, in particular, the ones with visual intelligence. It can be used as a student-friendly tool in education from children to adult learners. However, I am not sure whether creating an infographic has a greater impact on learning or not. Students may have fun, en