The Final Episode!

Hello for the last time!

        Time flies! This is my last post about the Educational Technologies class. First of all, I am so glad to take this course. I have learned many things and improved my skills thanks to this class. 
        Before this class, I have known a little about 21st-century learning. Now, I can say I have learned more than I have already known. For instance, considering technology integration in ELT, I thought the more teacher uses technology, the better the classes. In fact, I learned what is important is the quality, not the quantity. The teacher has to use technology when necessary, and the students have to be the core and discover themselves.

        Throughout the semester, I have learned about, first of all, how to create a blog page! Then, creating a word cloud, a podcast, a wiki page (also how to edit), a wall on the Padlet, an online poster, an infographic, and finally a digital story. I have also learned about lots of useful tools such as Audacity, Vocaroo, Wordart, Pixton, and Storyboardthat. Especially, Canva may be the best website I learned. 

        Among the tasks that I mentioned above, I like digital storytelling and online movie poster the most. They were both hard and took a lot of time from me but the consequence worth all the tiredness and time spent. They made me proud of myself a lot. That feeling is great! Although I generally like the tasks, I like infographics less than the others. It was a bit hard for me to find the percentages and creating it was less funny than the others. I really like the syllabus. I don't have a better idea so I don't want to suggest something meaningless.

Thanks for reading until here! I am not sure when I write again. Until then, take care!



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