The Sheep Killer Podcast

Hello again!

When you were a kid, did you like listening to stories?

What about a story with some interesting sound effects?

The topic for this week is PODCASTING!

        I chose the story task because I already engaged in music a lot and wanted to do something a bit different. I also like storytelling, even, listening to stories was one of the best activities for me when I was a kid. 

        Then I had to find a friend to collaborate with to do this task. Fortunately, one of my friends, Sabri, was also looking for someone. So, we decided to make a story together. You can take a look at his charming blog by clicking his name, as well.

        The next step we have to do was creating a story. As calculating the time spent with the emphasis, intonation, and sound effects, we have to create a very succinct story. 

        After finishing creating the story, we had to record our voices. This part was a bit hard for me because I am a perfectionist person, so I recorded my voice tons of times until I was satisfied with the result.

        Next, it was time to add some sound effects! I very liked this part. First, we searched for some sound effects on Youtube. Then, we used Audacity to combine these sound effects with our recordings. 

        Finally, we get an embed code from Vocaroo to embed our blogs. That was also a hard part, we had to ask for our classmates' help in this part. 

        I really enjoy making this task. I would probably give a similar task to my students in the future because it is not only fun but also instructive.

I hope you enjoy listening to the strangest story:

The Sheep Killer

Thanks for reading until here! See you in the next post, until then, take care!



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