21st Century Learning

Hello again! 

Can you imagine a life without technology or change?

The topic for this week is THE 21ST-CENTURY LEARNING!

Let's have a brainstorm first! 

Look at this word cloud and think about the correlation between these words.

Let me explain to you more! 

        In the past, teachers were all the source of information, whereas students' role was listening to them. Teacher-centered class environments dominated the education system. Unlike, now the classes are student-centered and encourage the students to learn by themselves. These also make their personalities more sociable, more enterprising, and braver, which paves the way rising of a more powerful and more confident generation. 

        Besides, teachers also make students being more active in class. They communicate with each other, collaborate, and do group works. It enhances both their mental & psychological progress and future life & career skills.

        In fact, it is not a consequence of ONLY technology or the internet. It can not make the students study only by itself. Teachers should create a classroom environment that makes it possible for students to use the internet so that they can lead their students to learn by themselves. In other words, they are the creators and the discoverers for learning. This is not so hard for them because they are digital natives

        Students also might use books to receive information in the past. However, it sometimes takes so long to do research in a limited time. In contrast to the past, thanks to the internet, now, getting information is faster. Therefore, students can save more time and then use that time for leisure-time activities. 

Thanks for reading until here! See you in the next post, until then, take care!



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