Fantastic Night Wiki Book Review

 Hello again!

The topic for this week is WIKIS!

        Wikis are the websites that people can write and edit collaboratively. We are actually familiar with wikis a lot: Wikipedia, Wiktionary, wikiHow, etc.

        So, my task was creating a book review page in PBworks, editing it, then editing my classmates' page if it is needed, and leaving a question in the comments, lastly answering my comment. I chose Fantastic Night by Stefan Zweig

        I enjoyed a lot doing the task. Because I generally forget the plot of books with details, it was a bit hard for me to write a book review. 

        I have already known that people can change a page in wikis, but I did not know how easy and practical it is. I think it can be applied in class as a tool for practicing writing and collaborating among students. That's why I may use it in the future.

Thanks for reading until here! See you in the next post, until then, take care!



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