About Me


    Hi, I am Dilara. I was born on the 13th of April, 1998. So, I am 22. I am a student at Marmara University and study English Language Teaching. For the Educational Technologies class, I got this blog. I will share my experiences and ideas and some information about education and technology with you. I am not sure what will happen next, let's see together and join my adventure. 

Well, this is not something impossible to do, so I will try my best.

            TELL ME MORE!
             I have been interested in music since childhood. I am currently a member of Bogazici University Music Club Jazz Choir as a soprano and also have sung at 3 more different choirs since 2016. Besides, I took some piano classes for 4 years. I also like listening to music not surprisingly. What I would recommend you to listen to -if you wanted to ask me- is jazz, blues, rock, and lo-fi music. Here are some videos from my choirs if you want to see them.
I hope you enjoy watching:



  1. I loved the videos! Thank you for sharing

    1. Thank you very much! I wish I could invite you to one of our real concerts but, you know, Coronavirus is still keeping us from going to a concert. :(


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