The Digital Storytelling of a 21st Century Fairytale

 Hello again!

The topic of this week is DIGITAL STORYTELLING!

        Our task was to create a professional-like digital story. First of all, I want to thank İlayda for being my partner and for all her efforts.

        Firstly, we had to decide on our topic. We ended up changing the settings of the beautiful fairytale "Cinderella" and creating its 21st-century version with Covid-19 adaptation. Then, we wrote a script together.

        The next step was creating the scenes. We first try Pixton but its greatest features required us to pay, so we searched for alternative tools. Then, we found Storyboardthat. It has lots of free characters, scenes, and options; even a free trial for more advanced options. The only disadvantage of that website is the characters' arms and legs are like stick figures. But it was not a problem considering the other great benefits contrasting the others.

        Later, we recorded our voices. Also, we searched for free and suitable sound effects in Freesound, Freepd, and Mixkit. Next, we need to mix them in Audacity.

        The last step was adjusting the length of the scenes for the sound. We use Video Editor on the computer. Moreover, we added some visual effects with this app as well. Finally, we upload our video on Youtube.

        I hope you enjoy watching and listening to our charming story:

        Digital storytelling can probably help the learners, in particular children, to learn a language with enjoyment. It addresses both visual and musical intelligence. However, it requires too much effort to create a digital story. That's why I probably will not give this task to my students in the future especially if they are children. But I may create it and show them, then, want them to act or play it in the classroom.

Thanks for reading until here! See you in the next post, until then, take care!



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