Internet-based Project Work: Padlet

Hello again!

The topic for this week is an internet-based project work: PADLET!

        This week we did an internet-based project, which is a 21st-century education task. My friends Sabrican Demir, Beyza ÇekiciAli Bilen, and I have created a wall on Padlet about Coronavirus Pandemic. We have posted what we know, what we want to know, and what we learned about Coronavirus on the wall. 
        The reason why we chose this topic is, it is a hot topic and crucial nowadays. Moreover, there is some information both we have already known, and we want to know about this topic. So, it helped us to satisfy our curiosity and to be more aware of Coronavirus. I have never tried it before but I have enjoyed a lot using Padlet and posting on the wall.

        Yet, I was a bit hesitant to write what I learned part because there are lots of useless and misleading information on the internet. I tried to choose more reliable websites that officially give information about the virus. That was the hardest part. Overall, as I said, it was an enjoyable experience and project. Using padlet helped us to organize and arrange our different works both distinctively and harmoniously.
        Internet-based project works are a considerable step to start learning how to do research. Besides, it contributes to organize their opinions and knowledge and to avoid unnecessary information on the internet to students.

Padlet ile yapıldı

Thanks for reading until here! See you in the next post, until then, take care!



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