Online Movie Poster

Hello again!

The topic for this week is an ONLINE POSTER!

        We were assigned to create a movie poster project that is based on a novel or a magazine cover project. I chose to make a movie poster of a novel that I like and reviewed before in my blog, Fantastic Night by Stefan Zweig

        Doing my poster, I used Canva and Adobe Photoshop. First of all, I decided on my cast. Because there is dominantly one main character in the novel, I chose one actor. Then, I searched for his suitable photographs on the internet. I had to show an important scene from the book in my poster, that is why I chose the one with flying balloons. He did not have any photographs with balloons, so I had to photoshop them.

                                            Mehmet Günsür

        I combined them and then added some effects via Adobe Photoshop and Canva. Next, I added my texts to my poster via Canva. The hardest parts were finding suitable pictures and combining them. 
Movie Poster - Dilara

        I enjoyed so much making this project. I had created some posters for my choir before, but I forgot a bit about photoshopping. So, I needed to discover the app again, which probably will help me in the future to do anything else. It was both learning and having fun. Yet, it was a bit hard task. Because of all, I uncertainly may use a similar task with my future students.

Thanks for reading until here! See you in the next post, until then, take care!



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