
Showing posts from November, 2020

Fantastic Night Wiki Book Review

  Hello again! The topic for this week is WIKIS !         Wikis are the websites that people can write and edit collaboratively. We are actually familiar with wikis a lot: Wikipedia, Wiktionary, wikiHow, etc.         So, my task was creating a book review page in PBworks, editing it, then editing my classmates' page if it is needed, and leaving a question in the comments, lastly answering my comment. I chose  Fantastic Night by Stefan Zweig .            I enjoyed a lot doing the task. Because I generally forget the plot of books with details, it was a bit hard for me to write a book review.            I have already known that people can change a page in wikis, but I did not know how easy and practical it is. I think it can be applied in class as a tool for practicing writing and collaborating among students. That's why I may use it in the future. Thanks for reading until here! See you in the next post, until then, take care! Bye!

The Sheep Killer Podcast

Hello again! When you were a kid, did you like listening to stories? What about a story with some interesting sound effects? The topic for this week is PODCASTING !           I chose the story task because I already engaged in music a lot and wanted to do something a bit different. I also like storytelling, even, listening to stories was one of the best activities for me when I was a kid.            Then I had to find a friend to collaborate with to do this task. Fortunately, one of my friends, Sabri , was also looking for someone. So, we decided to make a story together. You can take a look at his charming blog by clicking his name, as well.           The next step we have to do was creating a story. As calculating the time spent with the emphasis, intonation, and sound effects, we have to create a very succinct story.            After finishing creating the story, we had to record our voices. This part was a bit hard for me because I am a perfectionist person, so I recorded my voice

21st Century Learning

Hello again!  Can you imagine a life without technology or change? The topic for this week is   THE 21ST-CENTURY LEARNING ! Let's have a brainstorm first!   Look at this word cloud  and think about the correlation  between these words. Let me explain to you more!            In the past, teachers were all the source of information, whereas students' role was listening to them. Teacher-centered class environments dominated the education system. Unlike, now the c lasses are  student-centered and encourage the students to learn by themselves. These also make their personalities more sociable , more enterprising , and braver , which paves the way rising of a more powerful and more confident generation.          Besides, teachers also make students being more active in class. They communicate with each other, collaborate, and do group works. It enhances both their mental & psychological progress and future life & career skills.         In fact, it is not a consequence of ON

Welcome to my blog!

Hello!           This is my first post on this blog. In this blog, I will share my experiences and some information about educational technology. I really want to be a modern and competent English teacher in the future. That's why I believe that this blog and the Educational Technologies class I take this semester will help me to address my future plans and wishes to become true.            Nowadays, we are experiencing something really new and different: The Covid-19 pandemic. In this situation, we are doing online classes and using technology a lot. So, everyone should know about technology usage in education, both teachers and students.            I hope my posts will help you to adapt to this situation and your future academic life. Also, I believe you will enjoy seeing my posts and follow me with a curiosity about what is new and what I will share with you.  Thanks for reading until here! See you in the next post, until then, take care! Bye!