Fantastic Night Wiki Book Review
Hello again! The topic for this week is WIKIS ! Wikis are the websites that people can write and edit collaboratively. We are actually familiar with wikis a lot: Wikipedia, Wiktionary, wikiHow, etc. So, my task was creating a book review page in PBworks, editing it, then editing my classmates' page if it is needed, and leaving a question in the comments, lastly answering my comment. I chose Fantastic Night by Stefan Zweig . I enjoyed a lot doing the task. Because I generally forget the plot of books with details, it was a bit hard for me to write a book review. I have already known that people can change a page in wikis, but I did not know how easy and practical it is. I think it can be applied in class as a tool for practicing writing and collaborating among students. That's why I may use it in the future. Thanks for reading until here! See you in the next post, until then, take care! Bye!